Surviving Healthcare Reform

How medical providers can thrive despite upheavals in national healthcare.

As we wade further into 2017, one thing is certain; the nation’s healthcare system will continue to evolve. How you fare will partially depend on whether you choose to “wait and see” or, instead, proactively manage the course and direction of your practice.

Some suggest that healthcare is inherently different from other competitive industries. However, as federal and state lawmakers act to spur competition in healthcare markets, one must conclude that healthcare not only can, but will have to operate as other business segments do.

What does this mean for doctors, clinics and hospitals?

Consumers are extremely careful when selecting a doctor or physician group. Patients are willing to spend days on the Web researching physicians to get a sense of your credentials, bedside manner, insurance options, and most especially, patient satisfaction. Which means you have a tremendous opportunity to reach new patients simply by taking advantage of the Web — and a lot to lose if you do not.

This is where One Degree can help.

We are experts in brand development, emotional branding, marketing and advertising in a number of industries — healthcare being one of them. We have helped many doctors invent or re-invent their brands in ways that have significantly impacted their bottom lines. The importance of this cannot be overstated, especially in an environment dominated by mobile access (four out of five Americans own and use a smartphone) where your competition is a finger tap away. Though laptops, desktops and tablets are commonplace, and more traditional media channels are still relevant, individuals will likely connect first using a smartphone. The impression you make on this device can easily be the difference between getting a new patient or not.

Our areas of expertise aren’t limited to the digital, either. Unlike many firms with digital expertise, we cut our teeth in the trenches of Madison Avenue, long before the advent of the Internet. It’s our deep knowledge of all forms of marketing communication and media, our commitment to a tightly defined strategy, and our belief in great design that set us apart. Layering our experience in the digital world on top of this foundation gives our clients a unique advantage in the marketplace.

Just a few specifics that can make a difference:

Strategic, Mobile-first Website : A website that is clear, useful, distinct from competitors in your area, and optimized for smartphone access can be the most important tool you have for marketing your services and communicating with patients. The depth of content will vary depending on your specialty, but it should convey the essence of your credentials, philosophy and difference.

Search Engine Optimization : The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to ensure the search engines naturally find and rank your website at a high level when prospective patients are actively searching relevant keywords. There are multiple elements to a successful SEO strategy and implementation, but strong geographic, patient-focused, content-specific strategies should be maximized along with a calendar for keeping content fresh and engaging. 

Offer the “Answers” : Your content should inform, and answer common questions about your field. For instance, if someone is looking for a knee replacement, they might search with questions like “How much does a knee replacement cost?” or “How long is the recovery period for a knee replacement?” By providing answers to the most common questions, you’ll help visitors recognize your practice as an authority on the topic and boost your natural search outcome.

Video : Because patients are now responsible for an expanded share of their medical costs, they aggressively “shop” online before booking an appointment. As the competition for reader attention becomes ever more intense, the smarter, fresher — and often video — content wins the day. 

By 2018, experts predict video will take up 79% of consumer Internet traffic.

Online video now accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic. (Source: HubSpot)

74% of businesses say their video content outperformed other content types in driving conversions. (Source: MarketingProfs)

Video has a much stronger audience appeal than text (about four to one), and in the case of selecting a physician, video gives prospective patients a real sense of what you’re like, the sense of warmth and compassion that words alone cannot communicate. Because we believe so strongly in the power of video, we produce films in-house, in a lightweight production style, with equipment that yields a cinematic look. This approach contains costs while also delivering a final product that is more sophisticated than ordinary video.

Imagery : visual marketing strategy is a key element in your healthcare branding message. This is more than an exercise in graphics; it’s an important trend for healthcare marketing. Today, people look for photos, videos, charts and illustrations that tell your story in a visual way. This presents an opportunity to distinguish yourself, not just by increasing your visual content, but also by producing them to underscore “humanity.” Thus, we advocate use of real, often candid imagery rather than posed or transparently staged stock images found in most medical marketing. 

Patient Communication : We also understand the importance of communication. Creating opportunities for “real-time customer conversations” — the foundation of a strong doctor/patient relationship — can play a significant role in building and maintaining a vibrant practice. Messaging and booking apps are also increasingly available and affordable, as marketing platforms mature along with social channels. A few statistics that illustrate the importance of the Web as a communication channel for healthcare providers:

90% of adults 18-24 years of age said they would trust medical information shared by others in their social media networks. (Source: PwC Health Research Institute)

70 – 75 percent of US consumers look to the Internet for healthcare advice, of which 40 percent rely on responses from social sites. (Source: IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics)

Expect healthcare messaging to explode. There is some apprehension with regard to healthcare and social media, and engaging with healthcare consumers within the boundaries of HIPAA is the likely reason. However, considering the value patients place on social media, expect the number of HIPPA-compliant messaging apps to grow.

It’s difficult to keep up with the pace of change on the Internet. One thing is for sure, though. If you don’t make an attempt to do so, you are not only missing opportunities for growth, in time you will be left behind. 

Want to know how One Degree can help you?

We invite you to peruse the rest of this microsite, which provides a focused view on some of our work that’s most relevant to the healthcare space, as well as examples from other industries that face similar challenges. You can also find out more about us by checking out the full One Degree Brand Chemistry website.


Betsy Sperry

One Degree Brand Chemistry
119 1st Avenue South, Suite 270
Seattle, Washington 98104

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