The Turek Clinic

Reproductive-age men are one of the largest medically under-served populations. This is surprising given how widespread and profoundly infertility conditions affect a man’s self-esteem, his relationships, and even his career success. Thus, after 20 years on staff at UCSF, Dr. Paul Turek, a urologist and renowned expert on the molecular biology of genetic infertility, founded San Francisco’s Turek Clinic to provide a destination for male fertility and men’s sexual healthcare. One Degree was retained to establish the Turek Clinic brand identity and initial web launch.

Sexual dysfunction and infertility are delicate matters. Nonetheless, we wanted to avoid the overly clinical tone so often chosen when advertising this issue. Furthermore, Dr. Turek is exceptionally warm — he engages with patients with kindness but also a surprising sense of humor that instantly puts people at ease.


This led to the creation of Woody, an animated character who suffers from some of the conditions treated at the Turek Clinic. Besides creating a unique and distinct image versus other male health practices, we featured Woody in short video animations on the website. These real but lighthearted scenarios make an emotional connection with a visitor, letting him know that Dr. Turek understands what he’s going through. 

Brand Identity

While Woody plays an introductory roll on the website, the core brand identity and logo communicate in a more understated manner. Dr. Turek is, after all, a board-certified micro surgeon. Thus our goal was to design a corporate identity that was reserved and professional in tone, while allowing for the smile that is at the core of Dr. Turek’s personality via Woody’s character. The subtle treatment of the “U” in Dr. Turek’s name reinforces this without being overly graphic.

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