In 2016, the Pacific Northwest Research Institute (PNRI) is embarking on a high priority effort to fund the organization’s first-ever endowed Chair. This Chair is of particular importance as it bears the name of the Institute’s founder, Dr. William B. Hutchinson. Our work, including these two brochures, tells the story of an innovative organization with a lofty vision — to do the fundamental research that will one day lead to cures and treatments that improve human health.

The brochures — one focused on the endowed Chair and the other on the PNRI mission — address a mix of needs: 1) providing confidence to donors that PNRI is a wise place to donate, 2) exciting potential chair candidates based on the spirit of the organization, and 3) motivating a broader audience to engage and consider financially supporting PNRI and the William B. Hutchinson Endowment.

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