Fisk Alloy

In spite of Fisk’s position as a global leader in high-performance copper alloy wire, they’ve remained relatively unknown among aerospace, automotive and medical design engineers. This is because once Fisk wire leaves the dock, it must be coated and sometimes undergo other processes before it reaches its destination. This prevents Fisk from establishing its brand identity in the minds of those who are in the strongest position to influence the purchase decision. This campaign reaches out to OEM design engineers directly, to establish mind share and to drive the reader to the the web, where Fisk’s high-performance numbers do the talking.

The ads are based on the insight that engineers are born, not made. Our research revealed that there is a strong corollary between the curious mind and a career engineer. We heard countless stories from those who, as children, couldn’t resist the temptation to take things apart to figure out how they worked. Once they understood it, they could fix it. Which was a good thing, because some of them — much to the chagrin of their parents — found the easiest way to take something apart was to throw it against the floor. Point is, engineers are different from the get go. While most children dream of playing for the Yankees or dancing at the Met, the future engineer is taking apart the stereo while his parents are at work.

Each concept works by first recognizing the engineer’s natural intelligence and curiosity. They showcase Fisk’s understanding of the engineer by pointing out their shared “need to discover” that drives all engineers. Lastly, they deliver the message in a memorable way, rather than simply making a performance claim.

Brand and product print, outdoor, and digital banners drive to an integrated landing page where relevant company and product information is provided.

Case Study

Website Design


Brand Film

Anthem Film

Environmental Graphics

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