Medical Work

Healthcare Industry Expertise

Our nation’s healthcare system continues to evolve. And although specific changes remain uncertain, those who proactively manage their business health stand to realize the most significant gains. Some examples of this are below, and reflect our recent experience with medical practitioners and related businesses.

Maze Health Corporate Identity

Working with Maze began simply — with a request to update Dr. Michael Werner’s first business, a practice specializing in men’s sexual and reproductive health. We soon discovered, however, that Dr. Werner’s passion for family had led him, over time, to expand the group to include a unit dedicated to women’s sexual health, an on-site lab, and even a cord blood bank, each with their own logo. Uniting them under a cohesive identity system was both the practical and strategic opportunity.

Maze Men’s Sexual & Reproductive Health

The launch of the Maze Men’s Sexual & Reproductive Health site was the first endeavor in a comprehensive repositioning and rebranding for all of Maze Health. Because Dr. Werner and the Maze team approach the emotional maze of sexual dysfunction and infertility with kindness and candor — the new identity is intensely human, rather than clinical, expressing the emotional truth of these delicate subjects.

Maze Women’s Sexual Health

The Maze Women’s Sexual Health site represents the second major phase of the Maze rebranding. It differs from the men’s site as appropriate to the heightened sensitivity, fear and even sometimes pain, associated with issues of female sexual health. Yet, it also conveys the same Maze brand characteristics: compassion, humanity, and honesty. The design is intentionally inviting and warm, and reassures women that they are taken seriously, just as they are when they visit the office. 

Maze Cord Blood

As more expecting couples consider cord blood banking, competition in the category has grown fierce. Thus, in addition to updating its identity, the Maze website needed to convey credibility and the highest level of medical professionalism. We rebuilt the marketing site, as well as the e-commerce engine, to reinforce these messages while also maximizing natural search and providing a flawless, HIPAA-compliant experience. On the back-end, we customized a heavy-duty workflow system to support sign up, through collection, to storage.

The Turek Clinic

After 20 years at UCSF Medical Center, Dr. Paul Turek, a renowned expert in the molecular biology of genetic infertility, decided to strike out on his own. Dr. Turek founded San Francisco’s Turek Clinic, treating male infertility and sexual health. Although an acclaimed pioneer in scientific advances, Dr. Turek approaches patients with empathy and a smile. Thus, we developed the new Turek brand identity to convey this scientific expertise along with his disarming wit.


WeConnect’s mission is to support inpatient, outpatient, sober living programs, and families of recovering addicts in saving lives. They do this through a robust program supporting the most crucial time in someone’s recovery; the first year of sobriety when relapse rates are alarmingly high. We shot and produced this anthemic video to showcase their mission and the power of the app to change lives.

Real Age

When it first launched, Real Age was seeking advertising to introduce their now-famous test. This provocative campaign featured unique individuals — and through demonstrated how individual life choices impact not just our health, but our potential lifespan. Based in science, Real Age provides an estimate of the true age of your body and detailed information on how to affect that number.

Oregon Medical Laboratories

Drug testing is more prevalent than ever — even outside pro sports — with some companies requiring each new employee to be tested. As you can imagine, these tests can have tremendous impact on an individual’s life, so accuracy is extremely important. Oregon Medical Labs sought to distinguish themselves based on their NIDA-certification — which guarantees their drug testing procedures are among the most accurate in the world.


Betsy Sperry

One Degree Brand Chemistry
119 1st Avenue South, Suite 270
Seattle, Washington 98104

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