Brand Strategy

Developing a Brand Strategy

To root decision-making in reality, we often recommend in-market research. We explore the stakeholders and market dynamics that offer the most leverage for each client and situation: Consumer, Culture, Connection, Company, Channel and Competition. We call these The Six Cs of Brand Chemistry.

Based on your goals and challenges, we develop a research plan to mine each of the Cs — whether relatively quick and informal or broad and intensive — designed to uncover the most powerful opportunities for reaching, connecting and engaging your prospects. We want to know how the current economic, competitive and cultural context is impacting your market. How your consumer interacts with your category and channel. And uncover company insights that will foster intense emotional and rational attraction.

The learnings form the foundation of brand architecture, which guides brand design and shapes go-to-market plans and priorities. And, while the ideas are the inspiration, the X, execution is where the magic happens.


Betsy Sperry

One Degree Brand Chemistry
119 1st Avenue South, Suite 270
Seattle, Washington 98104

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